Jaime adoff wikipedia
Jaime adoff wikipedia
Jaime adoff wikipedia death...
Jaime (Levi) Adoff Biography
Born 0027;s name Mary Ann. Education: Central State University, B. Mus.; attended Manhattan School of Music.
Agent—c/o Arnold Adoff, 750 Union St., Yellow Springs, OH 45487.
Writer of children and young-adult books, 1998—. Songwriter and musician in a rock band for eight years.
Honors Awards
Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award honor book designation, International Reading Association notable book designation, and New York Public Library Book for the Teen Age designation, all 2003, all for The Song Shoots out of My Mouth: A Celebration of Music ; New York Public Library Book for the Teen Age designation, 2005, for Names Will Never Hurt Me.
The Song Shoots out of My Mouth: A Celebration of Music (poetry), illustrated by Martin French, Dutton (New York, NY), 2002.
Names Will Never Hurt Me (novel), Dutton (New York, NY), 2004.
Jimi and Me (novel), Jump at the Sun/Hyperion Books for Children (New Yo