Lisi harrison author biography of suzanne
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For those who don't know about Lisi Harrison (the author of the CLIQUE) I'm giving you the chance! I pasted her bio from her site below:
Any time someone starts a story with, "I was born in...," my eyes glaze over and I try not to yawn in their face.
So I’ll do my best to find a more interesting way of letting you know I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. Brrrrrrrrrr
There, how was that? :)
I did not go to a private school like OCD and I was not in a rich evil clique of "Massie’s".
I went to Hebrew school until ninth grade and then switched to Forest Hill Collegiate, a public high school.
Lisi harrison author biography of suzanne
A lot of the kids in my grade came from families with tons of money and wore Polo everything (it was really IN back then, okay?). I, on the other hand, was forbidden to wear anything made by anyone other than K-Mart or Hanes. I probably would have been allowed to wear The GAP but it wasn't on every block in Canada yet.
My parents were on a mission to keep me as grounde