Libcom lenin biography
Libcom lenin biography
Libcom lenin biography summary!
The Actuality of the Revolution: Reflections on Lenin’s State and Revolution
By the first days of July 1917, tensions in the Russian capital were the highest they had been since the February Revolution that deposed the Tsar, announced a Provisional Government, and gave birth to a new wave of soviets.
On the third of July, this tension finally exploded as postal workers suddenly went on strike, the workers in the Vyborg Factory District began to stir, and the militant First Machine Gun Regiment launched a plot to overthrow the Provisional Government.
The uprising, which was entirely unknown to the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, reached its peak the next day. Demonstrators were now joined by sailors from Kronstadt, nearly thirty thousand workers from the Putilov Plant, and soldiers from a number of rebellious regiments.
All told, over half a million insurgents were now marching against the Provisional Government.
The Government, for its part, was perhaps in its most