Russian biography/the saint who sinned
Russian biography/the saint who sinned the boy.
Rasputin: The Saint Who Sinned
Or if I do, it will take years.
Russian biography/the saint who sinned the man
I keep finding other things to do than read it.
It's not like this isn't good. It started out really, really interesting. And now it's kind of boring and I'm having trouble keeping track of who the author is referring to when he uses general pronouns.
And when he uses actual names, I still don't know who he's talking about half the time.
I wanted to read this because for some reason I always thought Rasputin was scary.
Russian biography/the saint who sinned
Like, nightmare scary. But it turns out he's just super outrageous and kind of gross. He had straight-up orgies in the woods in the name of everything holy. And he had sex with hot society women (also in the name of everything holy).
I'm convinced he had more sex than Hugh Jackman. Except it was gross sex, because he turned all his behavior into something spiritual, and people